Saturday, April 29, 2017

Choose Privacy Week

We share much about ourselves these day. Our email addresses may proclaim our hobbies or self image (buckhunter or sexygranny!) Some things we share friends might guess about us (buck hunter) while other things friends might not want to know about us (sexy granny.)

When does the sharing become too much information? And not just too much information (TMI) because it makes us squeamish. (You don't really want to know why your grandma thinks she's still sexy, do you?!) When are you sharing information that you might regret? When should you choose privacy over sharing?

You are correct that no one really cares about your Pinterest account. But thieves and scammers are happy to use the information you do share to access valuable accounts like your bank or credit card. Never share information that can be used to open or verify an account--a bank account or a Facebook or Pinterest account.

Perform this little task. May 1-7--Choose Privacy Week--set aside time to review the privacy settings on your social media accounts. Make sure that no setting is Public (unless you are a celebrity.) That is a great first step.

And stop by the Lebanon Library Tuesday, May 2;  staff are available to explain what some of those privacy settings mean.

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